Friday, July 17, 2009

the eagle will fly south in the morning

We are girls, we brunch, we drink too much bubbly, we date jerks, we get crushes and we talk too loud about it in very public places.

top two reasons why nicknames are fun:

1. speaking in code is just about as cool as nyc prep and finding parking in front of joan's
2. one of my nicknames is magnanamous - its true

basically. i nickname everything. and you need to know who I am talking about.

coffee boy = duh
r squared = rusty rocket, formerly LD, for that one story about that one thing that didnt happen with that one person it definately should not happen with...
joni mitchell/bubs = joni mitchell/bubs, because joni mitchell was not only the most
frank = dr. franchesca aka my car
lamest person in DC = lauren, naturallly
baby carrot = that one guy who i brought out that one time who everyone was like, he was your friend, he was funny
r.annonymous demon aka r.non. = my future roommate

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